150g. Strong flour
1 egg
Pinch of salt
20ml. water
150g. Mince (I mix beef, lamb and pork)
Chopped onion, 3 garlic cloves chopped, chilli chopped
Parsley, coriander, mint
Salt, pepper
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
A drop of extra virgin olive oil
Greek yoghurt, paprika, parsley, mint, a few drops of extra virgin olive oil - to serve
Feta cheese (for the Greek twist) - to serve
1️⃣Mix flour, salt, eggs and water to make the pastry. Needs to be elastic and not sticking to our hands. If it is, add more flour, or more water. Let it rest for two hours covered in cling film.
2️⃣Finely chop the onions, garlic, chilli, parsley, coriander, mint and the olive oil. Mix well with mince, vinegar and season.
3️⃣Make the pastry into thin sheets 3cm. High. If you’ve got a pasta maker, that will be easier.
4️⃣Take the filling and add a little bit of the mixture across the middle. Lay the second sheet on top and cut in 1cm. strips deep and about 3cm. high. We want to create shape of sweets (bonbons). This is a very elegant job. If you’re not that elegant you can form your own shapes, sizes and put different amount in.
5️⃣Carry on the same way with all. Let them flat on a grease proof paper for half hour. Cook them in preheated oven for fifteen minutes, or until brown at 190 degrees. Serve with Greek yoghurt, paprika, parsley, mint, a few drops of extra virgin olive oil. For my Greek twist I grate feta and add some olives.