200g. Green peas (just the pods - if they are fresh)
5-6 small artichoke hearts
1 sweet potato
1 carrot
1 onion, 2 garlic cloves, chilli
1 tablespoon tomato paste
2-3 tablespoons of olive oil
1 heaped tablespoon corn flour
200ml. Water
3-4 tablespoons lemon juice
Salt, pepper HOW TO? 1️⃣Sauté in olive oil in medium heat sliced onion, garlic and chilli. Add the chopped carrot and the sweet potato. 2️⃣Add the tomato paste and let it bring its aromas. If you’re using fresh artichokes, cut the top of the flowers and remove the hard leaves, so you are left with the central heart and some young leaves. Add to the pan. 3️⃣Add the green peas and the water. Let cook in medium heat from boil about 20 minutes covered. Remove from heat. 4️⃣Dilute the flour in lemon and add to the dish to make a creamy light sauce. Add chopped dill. 5️⃣Serve with feta cheese and extra black pepper.