150g. Plain flour
5g. Fresh yeast or ½ teaspoon dry yeast
Pinch of salt
Pinch of sugar
100ml. Tepid water
1️⃣Activate the yeast in the tepid water Add sugar. Allow to create the white dust at the top.
2️⃣Mix the flour with salt and add the water-yeast mix. Mix well to create an elastic mix.
3️⃣Let it rise in warm place for 1 hour covered well with cling film. Make two long and thin lines. Crete them to two rings in grease proof paper and let them another hour covered with a towel.
4️⃣Push them down and sprinkle sesame. Cook in preheated 180 oven for 25 - 27 minutes until a lovely brown. Let the cool and cut them to stuff with anything you like.